Bastrop Juneteenth 1st Annual BBQ Cook Off will take place on Saturday, June 15th, spaces open at 6:00am. This BBQ cook off is part of Bastrop Juneteenth Celebration and proceeds go to our annual scholarship and future celebrations. There will be fun for the whole family!
- Categories: Brisket, Ribs, Chicken, Beans, Best Sauce.
- Entry Fees- $25.00/Brisket, Ribs, Chicken and $10/Beans; no fee for Best Sauce
- Vendors must follow all City of Bastrop ordinances. That includes having and displaying a permit, inspection and maintaining COB ordinances the entire time you are participating. City of Bastrop Permit fees are included in Bastrop Juneteenth BBQ Cookoff Entry Fees. Fees for Bastrop County are separate and the responsibility of of entrant. You must have a Bastrop County Food Permit before a request for a City of Bastrop permit can be made. Follow this link for Bastrop County Food Service Permit.
- Items may be cooked on and off-site. Smokers and pits may be brought on site to keep entries warm.
- Each team will have enough of their entry to serve a bite size sample to a minimum of 300 guests.
- Entrants may bring tents, tables and two chairs. This is an outdoor event. Keep in mind how to secure these items, so not to blow in the wind. Make sure to be kind to neighbors and not encroach into others' space. Bastrop Juneteenth has the right to require any material possibly seen as profane, threatening, or unsafe to be immediately taken down or removed. This is a non-negotiable topic. All Juneteenth committee members have the right to determine what is profane, threatening, or unsafe.
- There is no electricity, water or hook ups provided. Teams must provide their own supplies for serving.
- Bastrop Juneteenth will provide the tasting cups and forks. Each team will have the tasting cups and forks at their station.
- Prizes: Brisket- 1st, 2nd, 3rd; Ribs- 1st, 2nd, 3rd; Chicken 1st, 2nd, 3rd; -Beans 1st, 2nd, 3rd; Best Sauce- 1st place only.
- Public Voted Awards- The first 300 guests will be able to vote.
- Samples will be available for judging from 12:00pm-2:00pm. Results will be announced at 3:00pm. Two categories of judging: People's Choice and Pitmasters Choice.
- Check in and set-up time is between 8:00am and 11:00am. Entrants may enter the park starting at 6:00am.
- Each team is responsible for keeping their area clean; all materials should be removed from your assigned area by 4:00pm.